January 10, 2009

Szpiegowska nora wielkiego szatana

Wtargniecie studentow iranskich na teren ambasady amerykanskiej w 1979 roku bylo punktem kulminacyjnym napietych stosunkow Iranu i USA w ciagu ostatnich 30 lat. Jednak zamiast historii, postanowilem poswiecic ten wpis obecnym wydarzeniom. Ponizej, zalaczam fragment listu gratulacyjnego, ktory prezydent Ahmedinejad wyslal do Baracka Obamy (tlumaczenie za Washington Post) oraz rysunek satyryczny dotyczacy nowej polityki amerykanskiej wzgledem Iranu (The Economist).

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Mr. Barack Obama

I congratulate you on having gained the majority of the votes of those who took part in the election. As you know, the chances that God gives to his subjects pass swiftly. They can be used for the perfection of humanity and to the benefit of nations or, God forbid, to the detriment of nations...

...the nations of the world expect an end to policies based on warmongering, invasion, bullying, trickery, the humiliation of other countries by the imposition of biased and unfair requirements, and a diplomatic approach that has bred hatred for America's leaders and undermined respect for its people. They want to see actions based on justice, respect for the rights of human beings and nations, friendship and non-intervention in the affairs of others...

In the sensitive Middle East region, in particular, the expectation is that the unjust actions of the past 60 years will give way to a policy encouraging full rights for all nations, especially the oppressed nations of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The great civilization-building and justice-seeking nation of Iran would welcome major, fair and real changes, in policies and actions, especially in this region.

If steps are taken in the path of righteousness, toward the goal of carrying out the teachings of the holy prophets, it is hoped that almighty God will help and that the enormous damage done in the past will be somewhat diminished.

I ask the high God to grant ... rulers and officials the ability to learn from the past and to use every chance to serve, to spread love and kindness, to eradicate oppression, to do justice and to follow the holy guidelines.

Mahmoud Ahmadiniejad
(text by fl)

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